Need to download videos from Facebook? You can easily share videos on Facebook via the “Share” button. But what if you wanted to share that video with someone offline? This process is a little more work. If you wonder how to download a video on your Android or iPhone, here’s an easy way to get it on your phone. There are lots of different apps you can install to download Facebook videos. However, one should be careful because they might jeopardize your smartphone’s security, making you vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Hence, we do not recommend using such apps and software. Instead, you can download the videos directly without installing any new app. Here, we will list down some steps to download Facebook videos through the browser that you use on your phone.
How to download Facebook videos on an Android smartphone
On the Facebook app, tap on the video that you want to download onto your phone
You will see the “Share” option just below the video. Tap it and then tap Copy Link in the options that pop up
- Open in the browser that you use on your smartphone. For example, if you use Google Chrome, type in the address bar
You will get a bar where you can paste the link and click Download
Once done, you get two options: download the video in standard quality or download the video in HD quality. Tap on the option of your choice
The video will start playing. Choose tap on three dots, and you will see an opportunity to download the video
Tap Download, and you will see the progress in the notification bar. Once it is downloaded on your phone, you can browse it in the Downloads folder of your Android smartphone
How to download Facebook videos on iPhone
Downloading a Facebook video on an iPhone is similar to an Android phone.
On the Facebook app, tap on the video you want to download onto your phone.
You will see the “Share” option just below the video. Tap it and then tap Copy Link in the options that pop up.
- Open in the address bar of the Safari browser on your phone
You will get a bar where you can paste the link and click Download
The next page will allow you to download the video in standard or HD quality. Tap on the possibility of your choice
The video will start playing. Go to the progress bar at the bottom of the video, and tap the three dots. You can then select the option Save to Files
Once it is downloaded on your phone, you can find the video in the Photos app