Home — Travel n Tour SBS show looks at what Australia really thinks about older workers

SBS show looks at what Australia really thinks about older workers

by Mary Sewell

The barista and woman argue back and forth in front of actual patrons – prompting a stunning response. Noni Hazlehurst has had one of Australian media’s longest – and most celebrated – careers. But as Noni has gotten older, she’s she’s a marked difference in the types of acting roles she now gets offered.” “Whe”o”Wheyou’rereur sort of the 20s and 30s, and even early 40s, you get a full character description unit’sunit’slikely to be a leading character”,” th” “8-year-old says in the latest episode. “But”n”w that I’m inI’m 6in I’m get offered roles up to sort of 80-year-olds, and they tend just to be a very brief character description of mum, typical mum, typical grandma”.” Of What Does Australia Think About.”

Re”e”rch shows that old age bias is more prevalent than racism and sexism, with the issue explored on the SBS show in a bold covert filming exercise. Two actors play the roles of a young barista and a 57-year-old woman seeking work, with a verbal brawl between the pair playing out in a cafe with actual patrons. The woman approaches the barista at the counter to apply for an advertised job, only to be dismissed over her age.” “I n”t”ce you Veve got an ad in the window for a baristbaristaI’dto apply”,” th” “oman says. In response, the barista laughed, asking if she wanted to apply for her kids and how old she was.


“We’ve”We’ve bit of a young, fresh vibeit’s’s a busy cafe strip, so we need to keep that young culture”,” th” “arista argues, also adding tha” “old”p”ople are a bit slow, they have trouble moving around”d”. T “e”scenario between the actors played out multiple times, with some patrons simply paying at the till and walking off despite the discriminatory exchange. But several intervened, with one older man interrupting as the barista told the woman older people were” “sl”””” “”  “”n”my own bus, and I’m beI’m good. I’m thI’mest in the business, OK? I’m 6″I’mth ” “an told the barista” “Yoc”n”Yocan’t’teist mateit’s’s against the la”.”

An”t”er younger man also interjected to point out that the thbarista’s’s behavior was discriminatory after overhearing him complain the woman was ” “bit””a”l””Th “t”  “T  at’s  nomination from your end ther”,” th” “ale patron said” “Bec”u”e everyone is entitled to equal opportunity regardless of age, sex or gender”.” Ac”o”ding to a study  conducted by the show, 36 percent of respondents over 40 said they felt invisible in society. Fifty-one percent of those surveyed believe age discrimination is common even though 85 percent said ageissageisshouldn’t’tlerated in the workplace. Watch What Does Australia Think About… at 8.30 pm on SBS or On Demand Tuesday.

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